Palo Santo Pure Essential Oil
Aroma - Sweet earth and woody with citrus tone, slightly minty
Palo Santo Uses & Benefits
- Helps clear acne
- Helps tighten aged skin
- Restores damaged skin helps in recuperation of soft tendon injuries, reduces muscular discomfort
- Calms panic attacks and anxiety - rub on temples or put a few drops on a tissue when out and about
- Relaxing and mood uplifting
- Grounds, settles and calms, mind,body and spirit
- Used against 'bad energies', cleanses and protects your space
- Helps create a deeper connection to the divine
- Vibrational cleansing and renerwal for crystals
- Use during yoga / meditation to connect with spirit and stay focused
- Affinity with Root (Base) Chakra
Avoid durning pregnancy. Could cause sensitivity to skin always dilute with a base oil